A beautiful sunny November day when we brought our new flock of Jacobs and Navajo Churro home to Donegal Farm. Life spirals on...ever deeper and deeper.
This farm, on a hill in the old Irish settlement of Donegal outside of Eganville, Ontario, was my home for eleven years from 1981 to 1992. I first saw this old farmhouse on a spring day in 1980 and fell in love with it at first sight. My then husband Hal and I moved in and commuted to Ottawa for over a year. In 1981 our son Matti was born and the old house became our permanant home. In time we renovated the ancient kitchen with its huge Belanger President wood stove and brought in the running water and the indoor bathroom.
Matti was born with a rare genetic disease which turned his muscles into bone and much of our lives was spent at CHEO and the Ottawa Children's Treatment Centre where Matti learned to cope with his physical limitations.
In time, Matti's electric wheelchair demanded more space so we added a bright sunroom with French doors to the living room and that became the favorite play space for friends Jesse and Lydia and Adrienne and Matti's cousins, Jesse and Benji and Kirk. Ever the supportive and creative dad, Hal turned the sunroom into a playroom with two huge train sets running through villages and mountain passes and tunnels and over bridges. Such fun! And the hockey net with a bungeed Patrick Roy cut-out in full Canadienne uniform to take shots on.
Matti died suddenly at eleven years of age in 1992 of complications from his rare disease, Myositis Ossificans Progressiva and life took a different direction for me for the next fourteen years. Hal and I divorced and I moved to Wilno and became a restaurant owner and innkeeper, immersed in food and art and music at our Red Canoe Cafe at the Wilno Station Inn.
In early summer of 2008, a series of serendipitious coincidences brought Carmelita and Agnes...two woolly little sheep into our lives....and now, barely half a year later, here we are with 22 sheep in the barnyard of my beloved house in Donegal. I think An Adventure is unfolding and I will be writing about it here.