Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ctv features our farm

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Organically raised roasting chickens

Our delicious grain and grass fed roasters are ready for delivery on September 25. price is 5.45 per lb and birds range from 5-8 lbs. Call or email now to reserve your birds. We are delivering in the Ottawa area on Tuesday Sept 25. 613 649 0239 or

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to order our lamb, pork, chicken or eggs

Our organic lamb, pork and chicken is freshly frozen and ready for your freezer. Or just thaw and prepare in your favorite recipes. You can call us at 613 649 0239 to order. You can email us at with questions or an order. We are at the Pembroke Farmers Market until Thanksgiving. (no market attendance on sept 22 because of family wedding) We are members of the Ottawa Valley Food Co-op and you can order from us and other fine producers through the co-op. We deliver every two-three weeks in the Ottawa area so email and we will add you to our customer list. We'll deliver to your home or arrange to meet you in a central spot. You are welcome to arrange a farm visit or pick up by phoning or emailing us. We have NO minimum order!